Reconnecting Roots Season Four premieres September 2024. Click below to see your state's local listing.
Through the magic of PBS anywhere viewers are able to watch all 7 episodes on their device of choice or in a browser!

S4 E1
From experiments, to art, to everyday life, we’re surrounded by photos. But are they still meaningful if we take millions each day? National Geographic Explorer Joel Sartore shows how photography ‘developed’ from darkrooms to phone screens.
Photography: Picture This
Photography: Picture This

S4 E3
From animal skins to man-made fabrics, Americans and their clothing are very intertwined. Gabe meets with celebrity designer Jeff Garner to find out the true cost of our fast-evolving fashion. Gem Sweater sensation Leslie Hall guest stars.
Clothing: Cut from Whole Cloth
Clothing: Cut from Whole Cloth

S4 E5
What does it take to keep track of the climate around us? From superstitions to science, how we formed a worldwide ensemble of weather forecasts to plan our days…and maybe even our lives. Can weatherman Jim Cantore withstand hurricane Gabe?
Weather: Field to Forecast
Weather: Field to Forecast

S4 E7
How the free press forged the American identity and equips the nation with a diversity of information and perspectives. Publisher Rob Orchard gives Gabe the scoop on “slow journalism” as an alternative to the frenzied 24 hour news cycle.
Journalism: Pressing American Issues
Journalism: Pressing American Issues

S4 E2
America’s menu includes family recipes, company luncheons, and everything in between. Gabe breaks bread with chef/restaurateur Mashama Bailey to understand American foodways and why we now have more choices than most families can agree on.
Food: Around the Table
Food: Around the Table

S4 E4
From shacks to sprawling mansions, we’ve reshaped the homes we live in - which changed the shape of our lives. Gabe examines 3D-printed houses and how the American Dream of owning a home often comes with its fair share of nightmares.
Shelter: House & Home
Shelter: House & Home

S4 E6
Fire safety has not only saved cities, but influenced the way they’re built. Retired chief Paul Hashagen shares stories about bravery and service in FDNY as we see how firefighters transformed from rabble rousers to public servants.
Firefighting: Forging American Heroes
Firefighting: Forging American Heroes

S4 E8
From cards to controllers and back, we see how games and society interact and what spurred on the renaissance of tabletop board games. Gabe lays out his cards with actress/gamer Felicia Day to discuss not just how we play, but why we must.