Reconnecting Roots Season Three premieres April 2023. Click below to see your state's local listing.
Through the magic of PBS anywhere viewers are able to watch all 7 episodes on their device of choice or in a browser!

S3 E1
The determination and spirit of America made us shoot for the stars and land on the moon. Gabe visits the Johnson Space Center and chats with an astronaut to find out why we’re so determined to explore the space outside our planet.
Space: The Final Frontier
Space: The Final Frontier

S3 E3
The U.S. dollar conquered the world economy, then turned plastic and went digital. So what does a "dollar" even mean these days? Gabe visits Ben Stein to help make “cents” out of our money.
Dollar: Rise & Fall of the Dollar
Dollar: Rise & Fall of the Dollar

S3 E5
The gifts of private individuals have long benefited America’s public well-being. But is it possible for our country to become too dependent on them? What happens when spreading the wealth is a little more complicated than simply writing a check?
Philanthropy: For the Love of Man
Philanthropy: For the Love of Man

S3 E7
Out of all the sports played in America, there’s one in particular that really hit it out of the park. A game that united civil rights and workers' rights, America’s Pastime stepped up to the mound and pitched us all into the future.
Baseball: First Pitch
Baseball: First Pitch

S3 E2
A giant network of power was created to energize our nation - and in the process, completely transformed life in America. From whale oil to nuclear energy, Gabe finds out just what it takes to give power to the people.
Energy: Enter the Matrix
Energy: Enter the Matrix

S3 E4
While early Americans worked the land to survive, the job market of today allows greater freedom of choice. But is it harder to find purpose in our work now? And are we any happier than before? Special guest Mike Rowe helps Gabe figure out if working hard is worth all the hard work.
Working: Working on a Dream
Working: Working on a Dream

S3 E6
Freedom, government control, and craftsmanship were distilled together thanks to a uniquely American spirit - bourbon! More than just a mere drink, this concoction at one point affected just about every American’s lives. Gabe hikes the bourbon trail to learn how this special blend both changed America and was changed by it.
Bourbon: The Spirit of America
Bourbon: The Spirit of America

S3 E8
Movies allowed America to export its dreams around the world, influencing culture along the way. From the silver screen to the laptop screen, Gabe takes a journey through cinema history to find out why celluloid holds a special place in America’s heart.