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"Reconnecting Roots" Season 3 is Now Streaming for Free!

Reconnecting Roots

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since we've talked about our "Reconnecting Roots" TV series. The reason? Well, we've been busy this whole time working on a new season! The good news is – the first 2 episodes are online and streaming for free on the PBS app! Check out the trailer below:

We're back and better than ever! The first episodes about “Space” and "Energy" are currently streaming, with more episodes following every Monday.

For "Space", we visit the Johnson Space Center and chat with astronauts about why we’re so determined to explore the space outside our planet. We also uncover the history that connects hot air balloons to NASA, why the "space race" died down, and how going to space can change the way you look at life on Earth.

Then for "Energy", we trace the connection from whale oil to nuclear power, finding all the ways we're connected - and dependent - on electricity. How has energy changed our quality of life over generations? And what challenges are we still trying to overcome with it?

Give those first few episodes a look and let us know what you think! And be on the lookout for more episodes rolling out over the next few months.



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